Register for this Session


This course is offered via live webinar. During this one-hour session we will cover advanced searching skills, with a focus on subject headings (MeSH). This session will look at how to create a thorough keyword and subject heading search strategy. With that in mind, we will explore how to construct and apply a comprehensive search in the Ovid MEDLINE database.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the importance of subject headings​
  • Develop a search strategy by identifying and combining appropriate keywords and subject headings​
  • Conduct a search in MEDLINE (via the Ovid interface)​
  • ​Refine search results using available limiters​
  • ​Retrieve the full-text of articles where available​

Who should attend?

Staff who are familiar with keyword searching, truncation and Boolean Operators, and who want to start to incorporate advanced searching techniques into their searches. Staff in research-intensive roles may also find this session useful.

Note: This session builds on the material covered in the MEDLINE Fundamentals course. In order to get the most benefit from this session, it is recommended that you have attended the MEDLINE Fundamentals course or that you have a good
understanding of keyword searching prior to attending this advanced session.

Registration is required

Once logged in to MLL, search "library services" or "krs", and select your session from the list.

Register via MyLearningLink

Related Guide:
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
10:00am - 11:00am
Online (MS Teams Meeting)
MEDLINE Advanced

Upcoming Sessions

Time Zone: Mountain Time - US & Canada (change)

10:00am - 10:30am, Online (MS Teams Meeting).
11:00am - 11:30am, Online (MS Teams Meeting).
10:00am - 10:30am, Online (MS Teams Meeting).
10:00am - 10:30am, Online (MS Teams Meeting).
9:00am - 10:00am, Online (MS Teams Meeting).

Covenant Health Staff

Covenant Health staff and physicians without a MyLearningLink account can email to register for any session listed on this site. For other educational needs, feel free to contact Covenant Health Library Services.